Healthy Eating & Weight Loss

Our sessions are inclusive to all ages and abilities. Our groups are free, although if you can, we do ask for a small donation per class.

Cookery Clubs

Various times and locations

Our Cook and Eats are a fabulous way to meet new people in a friendly, supportive environment whilst building up your skills in the kitchen.

We have general cooking sessions that run regularly on week days, but we also have more focussed sessions if you have a specific interest or want to be with like minded people.  To register your interest for a cooking club please leave your details below or call 01535 677177, email:

Booking required.

Slimming Clubs

Various times and locations

Our slimming clubs run thoughout the year. They start with a 6 week period of group support with advice and nutrition from our qualified nutritionist with a helpful weight loss diary and plan for you to follow.

After this there will be ongoing drop in sessions where you can ask questions, share your food diary and get weighed to help you keep on track.

Booking required.