Keighley Pathways is a specialist support service for residents within the Keighley District who are facing challenges and feel they might be experiencing a crisis.
As a dedicated member of the pathways service, Keighley Healthy Living can offer health and wellbeing support for people in crisis. Keighley Pathways offers a daily service where you can access support, information and referrals. Face-to-face appointments can be arranged if you require specialised assistance.
Keighley Healthy Living work with a number of amazing charities/community organisations to offer a complete network of support for people in need:
The Cellar Trust: Supporting with mental health
Citizens Advice Bureau: Supporting with welfare and benefits
Keighley Healthy Living: Supporting with health and wellbeing
Roshni Ghar: Supporting with South Asian Women’s mental health
Project 6: Supporting with substance use
Staying Put: Supporting with domestic abuse
Carers’ Resource: Supporting unpaid carers
To access the service, please call 01535 610 180