Jodie’s Story

What made you attend the service/group and what issues were you facing at the time?

I attended the ante-natal sessions at KHL for young people whilst pregnant, the sessions were recommended by my young person midwife and catholic care support worker. I was a young person and these services were not offered in my local area. I was at risk of isolation, as I was a teenager, who started struggling to attend school and was pregnant. The ante-natal sessions offered that non-judgemental, friendly approach as it was created for young pregnant people to attend as well as the play group sessions after my child was born.

How did the service/group help you? What actions were taken or any support given to make things better?

The antenatal sessions offered a non-judgemental approach, which was friendly, welcoming and informative. It was important for pregnant, young people and their partners/families because it took away those opinions and views that those outside of the service may have felt or thought about me and my partner.

The sessions enabled us to know the process of labour and birth, the pain medication we could or would be given and the types of births that we could have or what may happen.

The playgroup session offered the opportunity to meet other young people like myself and to form friendships for us and our children, it allowed for a time where some may feel isolated and alone to socialise and offered those early socialisation requirements needed for infants too.

What would have happened (or might have happened) if you weren’t able to access the support? How might things be different?

I can almost guarantee my mental health would have been impacted without the support, as I would not have had the confidence to go to playgroup sessions or antenatal sessions with average age adults out of fear of being judged. Without having the personal relationship I did with the person who ran them, I think my college work would have been impacted too as again I think the sessions helped me build my confidence. Without the sessions, I wouldn’t have the foundations to work on my parenting with my son or my other children. It allowed me to be the best parent I can be.

What is your life like now for you and your child/ren?

I am currently a first year student midwife, the skills learned from the sessions I had when I was young and pregnant helped to form my abilities needed to be a professional. I will always remember the kindness that was shown and it is those positive experiences that helps me strive. My son is smashing secondary school and has so far made so many friends and I think those extremely early days where socialisation were important has helped him achieve that.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just my personal thanks, gratitude and appreciation to Flora (T-Natal Project Coordinator) for being there then, being there now and for being such an active supporter in all my achievements.

"The support enabled us to be in the know about everything that we should expect or what could happen. It allowed me to feel confident in planning my birth (although my pain threshold was very low and my plan failed.. miserably). It helped us to meet people we probably would never have met. The support I was given prevented myself from being and feeling isolated as my partner went to study and I was stuck home by myself with a newborn. I had someone I could talk to and I felt confident and supported knowing they could offer professional advice as well as friendly advice. I needed both a friend and professional support and that was given. I like to think that my son who accessed the service as a newborn until he was one, had those early socialisation skills met with play and it has helped mould him to be the pre-teen he is today, he has the ability to make friends and has great socialisation skills and I think it helped mould me form my career aspirations, as the sessions/professionals allowed me to do work experience there when I was in college."

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